Train model
Trains an SWR
model based on input and target time series data.
iter = 5,
log = FALSE,
return = "best",
param_selection = "best_bic",
algorithm = "GENOUD"
- ts_input
a vector or ts object containing the input time series
- ts_output
a vector or ts object (on the same time scale as ts_input) containing the target time series
- iter
number of iterations (maximum number of windows)
- runs
number of independent model runs; no longer supported due to deterministic window initialization
- log
whether a log-linear model should be used
- parallel
should the runs be computed in parallel? If FALSE, all runs are computed in serial. If TRUE, all runs are computed in parallel with a maximum number of cores. If a scalar is provided, the number of cores is set manually. No longer supported for single-run models
- return
either "best" (best model run is returned), or "all" (all model runs are returned)
- param_selection
either "max" (maximum number of windows), or "best_rmse", "best_aic", or "best_bic" to optimize RMSE, AIC, or BIC, respectively
- algorithm
either "GENOUD" (genetic optimization using derivatives), or "BOBYQA" (bound optimization by quadratic approximation)
The training procedure implements an iterative algorithm described in schrunner2023gaussianSlidingWindowReg. A new window is added in each iteration, hence the number of windows equals to the iteration counter.
Input and output time series are provided in ts_input
and ts_output
, respectively. Both are required to have equal lengths.
The optimization is performed using the GENOUD algorithm mebanesekhon2011genoudSlidingWindowReg, implemented in rgenoud
rgenoudSlidingWindowReg, or alternatively using the BOBYQA algorithm powell2009bobyqaSlidingWindowReg, implemented in nloptr
As training hyperparameter, iter
indicates the number of iterations, which equals to the maximum number of windows selected by the model.
Parameters return
and param_selection
indicate which criterion should be used to determine the number of windows; option are: return="all"
(no hyperparameter selection) or return="best"
, which allows one of the following options:
: select model with lowest AIC,param_selection="best_bic"
: select model with lowest BIC,param_selection="best_rmse"
: select model with lowest RMSE. Argumentsruns
are deprecated and should not be used.
# train a model based on one year of observations
mod <- trainSWR(sampleWatershed$rain[1:365],
iter = 2)
#> Warning: The `runs` argument of `trainSWR()` is deprecated as of SlidingWindowReg 0.1.1.
#> ℹ Multiple model runs are not useful with deterministic window initializations.
#> Warning: The `parallel` argument of `trainSWR()` is deprecated as of SlidingWindowReg
#> 0.1.1.
#> ℹ Parallel model runs are not useful with deterministic window initializations.
#> Warning: The `return` argument of `trainSWR()` is deprecated as of SlidingWindowReg
#> 0.1.1.
#> ℹ Return argument is unused.
#> SlidingWindowReg (SWR) model object with k = 2 windows
#> | window| delta| sigma| beta|
#> |------:|-----:|-----:|----:|
#> | 1| 0.17| 21.28| 0.36|
#> | 2| 0.86| 0.36| 0.67|