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Prepare a sample dataset for Naive Bayes

In the first step, we simulate a dataset with the following specifications:

  • a total number of 5 classes, 2 of which are known and 3 are unknown, respectively
  • n_labeled = 300 labeled samples, evenly distributed over the 2 known classes
  • n_unlabeled = 3000 unlabeled samples, evenly distributed over the 5 classes
  • a dimension of n_feats = 2 features (to facilitate representation)

Each class \(i\) is represented by a bivariate Gaussian distribution with mean vector \(\mu = (\mu_1^{(i)}, \mu_2^{(i)})\) and covariance matrix \[\Sigma = \left(\begin{array}{cc}1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{array}\right)\] (identical for all classes). The known classes are 0 and 1.


# sample sizes
n_labeled <- 300
n_unlabeled <- 3000
n_feats <- 2

# mean values and covariance matrices
mu <- rbind(
  c(-5, 10),
  c(0, 5),
  c(-5, 0),
rownames(mu) <- 0:4
sigma <- diag(rep(1,n_feats))

#>   [,1] [,2]
#> 0   -5   10
#> 1    0    5
#> 2   -5    0
#> 3  -10    5
#> 4   10  -10
#>      [,1] [,2]
#> [1,]    1    0
#> [2,]    0    1

Given the data specifications, we simulate from the bivariate Gaussian distribution to generate the dataset given the class vector. We discriminate between the true class vector y_true containing the labels 0-4 of all samples, and the model input class vector y containing a true label only for the labeled data, and NA, otherwise.

# specify number of labeles / unlabeled samples per class
labeled_classes <- rep(0:1, each = n_labeled / 2)
unlabeled_classes <- rep(0:4, each = n_unlabeled / 5)
num_sample <- c(table(labeled_classes), table(unlabeled_classes))

# simulate X, ytrue and y
X <- c()
for(i in 1:length(num_sample)){
  X <- rbind(X, rmvnorm(num_sample[i], mu[names(num_sample)[i],], sigma))
X <- cbind(X, 1)
y <- rep(c(1:2, NA), c(table(labeled_classes), length(unlabeled_classes)))
ytrue <- rep(names(num_sample), num_sample)
colnames(X) <- paste0("x", 1:3)

# summaries of the model input class vector y, and the true class vector ytrue
#>    1    2 NA's 
#>  150  150 3000
#>   0   1   2   3   4 
#> 750 750 600 600 600

Using the model input class vector y and the simulated feature matrix X, we generate the input dataset and the formula for the model.

# input dataset for the model
data <-, y))

# model formula
formula <- y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 - 1

# simulated data
#>          x1        x2 x3 y
#> 1 -5.626454 10.183643  1 1
#> 2 -5.835629 11.595281  1 1
#> 3 -4.670492  9.179532  1 1
#> 4 -4.512571 10.738325  1 1
#> 5 -4.424219  9.694612  1 1
#> 6 -3.488219 10.389843  1 1

The simulated dataset is given by the following scatterplot:

Train SSC-UC model

The SSC-UC model is called via SSCUC and returns a BayesClassifier object with known and unknown classes. In this case, a naive Bayes classifier is used, specified by the argument naive=TRUE.


# train model
model <- SSC(formula, data,
             naive = TRUE)
#> [1] "Starting EM with 4 classes"
#> Warning in BayesClassifier(formula, data, naive = naive, prior = prior, :
#> BayesClassifier removed 1157 NAs
#> [1] "EM converged after 4 iterations"
#> [1] "BIC: 19145.225046868"
#> [1] "Trying EM with 3 classes"
#> Warning in BayesClassifier(formula, data, naive = naive, prior = prior, :
#> BayesClassifier removed 1157 NAs
#> [1] "EM converged after 3 iterations"
#> [1] "BIC: 21005.6744068909"
#> [1] "BIC increased when updating - stopping"
#> BayesClassifier model with 6 classes and 2 non-constant features
#> Note: the total number of features is 3 
#> ==============================
#> formula:  y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 - 1 
#> used features:  x1, x2 
#> parameters:
mu Sigma prior
1 -5.03,10.02 0.92,0,0,0.88 0.21
2 -0.01,5.04 0.94,0,0,0.96 0.21
U1 -3.03,7.35 10.93,0,0,9.3 0.03
U2 -4.97,-0.02 1.03,0,0,1.07 0.18
U3 -10.08,5.05 0.99,0,0,0.88 0.18
U4 9.98,-10.02 0.97,0,0,1.18 0.18

Predict and evaluate unlabeled data using SSC-UC model

Class labels for the unlabeled data in the dataset are obtained using the predict function with argument type=“class”.

# predict on unlabeled data
pred <- predict(model, newdata = subset(data,, type = "class")

Evaluate in full confusion matrix (multiple unknown classes)

The full confusion matrix contains all the classes modeled by the BayesClassifier:

  • the class labels 0-4 from the data specification as reference labels (not that, however, only classes 0 and 1 are known to the model a-priori),
  • the class labels for known classes (0-1) and unknown classes (U1-U4) as predicted labels.
#> Loading required package: lattice

# specify levels
levels <- sort(union(unique(pred), unique(ytrue)))

  reference = factor(ytrue[], levels = levels), 
  data = factor(pred, levels = levels))$table[sort(unique(pred)),sort(unique(ytrue))]
0 1 2 3 4
1 592 0 0 0 0
2 0 598 0 0 0
U1 8 2 0 1 0
U2 0 0 600 0 0
U3 0 0 0 599 0
U4 0 0 0 0 600

The following plot shows the unlabeled data with their predicted class labels:

Evaluate in reduced confusion matrix (all unknown classes as class “U”)

As a second evaluation step, we can summarize all “unknown” classes detected by SSC-UC into one class “U” (unknown). Thereby, we reduce the number of labels in the confusion matrix to 0-1 and U.

# set all new class labels to "U"
pred[!pred %in% unique(ytrue)] <- "U"

# specify levels
levels <- sort(union(unique(pred), unique(ytrue)))

  reference = factor(ytrue[], levels = levels), 
  data = factor(pred, levels = levels))$table[sort(unique(pred)),sort(unique(ytrue))]
0 1 2 3 4
1 592 0 0 0 0
2 0 598 0 0 0
U 8 2 600 600 600

The following plot shows the unlabeled data with their predicted class labels, when considering all unknown classes as one class.