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Generic functions implemented for the BayesClassifier class


# S3 method for BayesClassifier
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
summary(object, ...)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
coef(object, ...)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier

# S3 method for BayesClassifier

# S3 method for BayesClassifier

# S3 method for BayesClassifier

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
nobs(object, ...)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
formula(x, ...)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
logLik(object, ...)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
AIC(object, ..., k = 2)

# S3 method for BayesClassifier
BIC(object, ...)



a BayesClassifier object


currently unused


a BayesClassifier object


penalty term; k=2 in classical AIC


The form of the returned values of the generic functions for class ´BayesClassifier´ are as follows:

  • ´print´ and ´summary´ return a console output only

  • ´coef´ returns the list of parameters, see BayesClassifier

  • ´dimnames´ and ´levels´ return a vector containing the feature names and class names, respectively

  • ´dim´, ´length´ and ´nobs´ return a scalar representing the number of features, the number of classes and the number of training observations, respectively

  • ´formula´ returns the formula object used to call the BayesClassifier

  • ´logLik´, ´AIC´ and ´BIC´ return the log-likelihood, the AIC and the BIC values, respectively


  • print(BayesClassifier): prints the BayesClassifier

  • summary(BayesClassifier): summarizes the BayesClassifier

  • coef(BayesClassifier): returns the list of model parameters in the BayesClassifier

  • dimnames(BayesClassifier): returns the names the features used in the BayesClassifier

  • dim(BayesClassifier): returns the dimensionality of the feature space used in the BayesClassifier

  • levels(BayesClassifier): returns the names of the classes in the BayesClassifier

  • length(BayesClassifier): returns the number of classes in the BayesClassifier

  • nobs(BayesClassifier): returns the number of training observations used for the BayesClassifier

  • formula(BayesClassifier): returns the formula of the BayesClassifier

  • logLik(BayesClassifier): returns the log-likelihood of the BayesClassifier

  • AIC(BayesClassifier): returns the Akaike Information Criterion for the BayesClassifier

  • BIC(BayesClassifier): returns the Bayesian Information Criterion for the BayesClassifier